Sunday, April 25, 2010

When I IM chat someone on windows live messenger, will it be free without cost?

Just curious?

When I IM chat someone on windows live messenger, will it be free without cost?


When I IM chat someone on windows live messenger, will it be free without cost?internet browser internet explorer


How do i make my yahoo messenger and my windows live messenger safer from computer viruses?

any ideas

How do i make my yahoo messenger and my windows live messenger safer from computer viruses?microsoft access

You do it by knowing what you are up against and having good AV and AS programs on your computer. Go here to learn about what your up against and how to protect your computer.

Probably a bad modem. Also check the power cord and make sure it is plugged in completely. The wiggle the cord near the transformer and the plug to the modem. See if the power goes on and off. All the information needed to replace the power supply is on the transformer. Take it to Radio Shack or another store and they can give you a correct replacement.

How do i make my yahoo messenger and my windows live messenger safer from computer viruses?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

Sounds like u need a system reboot and norton aintvirus 2006.
personally, i think antivirus programs slow down computers. you can't really do anything to protect your pc from messeging programs. if anything happens, just do a system restore

Why cant i play games on windows live messenger?

my friend invites me to play games and it doesnt load at my end

Why cant i play games on windows live messenger?microsoft outlook

You need to download Flash player or another similar.

google it and find the download.

I got a voice clip on windows live messenger and i deleted convo, how do i listen to the clip?

where do voice clips go to?

what file?

I got a voice clip on windows live messenger and i deleted convo, how do i listen to the clip?windows defender

They dont save automatically, you have to click on "save" o its lost, sorry

How do i download skins for windows live messenger.............?

i have downloaded a vista skin for msn and i extracted the zip file and it said choose a programme from the list to open it with please help

How do i download skins for windows live messenger.............?windows live messenger

thats one good ( telecharger) it mean download its onn frensh

How do i download skins for windows live messenger.............?microsoft money internet explorer

Installing a skin with just a .dll file:

Don't let the .dll file put you off. A skin installer will do the exact same as these instructions do. Windows Live Messenger stores all the Messenger resources in msgsres.dll.

Close down Windows Live Messenger.

All the msgsres.dll files in our database are in a zipped folder. You need to unzip them. You will be left with a msgsres.dll file and maybe some other files.

Go into your Program Files directory and then into the MSN Messenger directory if you are using Windows Live Messenger 8.1 or below. If you are using Windows Live Messenger 8.5 or above you will need to go into the Windows Live/ Messenger directory. Rename msgsres.dll in that directory to something like 'msgsres_backup.dll'. This will become a backup of the current Messenger resources.

Copy and paste the msgsres.dll file you unzipped into your current directory.

Open up Windows Live Messenger and enjoy using your new skin.

To uninstall the skin you can either re-install Windows Live Messenger or simply delete the msgsres.dll file and rename your old backup ('msgsres_backup.dll') back to msgsres.dll.

Installing Messenger Plus! Live skins:

You will need to have Messenger Plus! Live version 4.50 and above to use Messenger Plus! Live skins. If you don't have this program I highly suggest getting it, the add-on is fantastic.

Download the skin pack, locate it and double click the icon to run it. You will need to be signed into Windows Live Messenger for the skin to install.

You will receive a prompt asking you if you want to install the skin. Once the skin is installed Messenger will restart with the skin running.

Installing a skin with an installer:

Installers are becoming less and less common, but they make it so much easier.

Run the file, they can be in French, but don't let that bother you, skins work with every language of Windows Live Messenger.

Of course installers vary. NSIS installers come with an uninstaller, some just self extract. You may need to re-install Messenger to get rid of the skin.

Is it possible to link my Windows Live Messenger account with my Yahoo! Profile so that I can receiv

Click on the link and scroll down the page for the answer to your question.

Is it possible to link my Windows Live Messenger account with my Yahoo! Profile so that I can receive IM therewindows movie maker

Yes... but be careful. I received messages from there thanking me for my info. ??? So I've deleted every item I had on MSN Live. If you want to use it... just add your friend's email addresses.

Does the Sony Ericsson K610i have Windows Live Messenger?


Does the Sony Ericsson K610i have Windows Live Messenger?microsoft excel

Why yes it does

Does the Sony Ericsson K610i have Windows Live Messenger?microsoft updates internet explorer

yes. it is jave based. see for details

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